Group Offerings

Groups meet weekly for a period, or are one time extended classes with a specific focus. Groups are usually appropriate for beginners, but if you have questions about your ability to participate contact Peggy.
Sponsored by Edmonds Waterfront Center
Improving Movement with the Feldenkrais Method®
Wednesdays, 2:30 - 3:30pm
Jan 8 - 29 (4 weeks)
Cost per session: $60 members / $80 non-members
Experience the joy of moving with greater ease and comfort! The Feldenkrais Method® is an innovative approach that uses specific movements to expand bodily awareness and well-being. Based on principles of physics, biomechanics, and how our nervous system learns, these gentle exercises awaken you to better ways of living in your body, resulting in better posture, improved balance, less pain, and more flexibility. Bring a mat and towel.